
Los Angeles Schools Closed by Threat

A credible threat forced authorities to close all Los Angeles Schools today.
Please view link here for full story.

Syrian Combat Video

Combat in Syria. Graphic Video footage.

World War 2 Compilation

One of the better videos I've seen of WWII footage. Decent compilation of a ton of WW2 footage normally found not so well put together. Worth sharing.

Died in Combat Video

Raw Footage of soldiers dying in combat. Horrific and brutal war footage.

The Wool of Wolves

Great Patriotic Movies and Kindle books.

If you like to read inspirational political books about America, this book is a great read.

The Wool of Wolves. 
A Speech by an average American for America. 
Political Commentary on American Government. 

Russia Attacking ISIS Videos

Compelling Russian Video of Attacks on ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

More videos of Russia hitting ISIS in Syria.

Total Graphic Videos Watched